We use dozens of apps every day. Each year we like to highlight and share the apps that helped make us the most productive. The apps selected in our 2018 highlights have solved major problems in our workflow and save us incredible amounts of time. Here are our favorite apps for 2018 that we use daily for Complete Business Group.

QuickBooks Payments

QB Payments is awesome because it integrates, its lowest price, (CBG has slightly lower rates than clicking through the software), GoPayment uses your swipe rate, and bookkeeping is much easier as it flows into undeposited funds. Want a Quote? Ready to apply?

Bill & Pay

This app is the most advanced way to send an invoice to a client with a “pay now” link. It connects with QBO, QBDT, QBES and uses QB Payments. Bookkeeping is much easier. You can add a link to your website for clients to access their portal. Clients have the flexibility to pay the full amount of the invoice, make a partial payment or set up a payment plan. They can even use multiple credit cards to make a payment. You can send a statement or sales order with a link to pay and MUCH MORE. Try it for Free for 30 Days.


A CRM that really cuts down on workflow. We love the activity sets and pipelines. It allows you to keep a history and assign tasks to different team members. This greatly reduces workflow and helps you keep things from falling through the cracks. Test drive Insightly for 30 days free and get a discount if you decide to sign up.


At CBG we use this product to host our QuickBooks Enterprise Software. We love their responsive support and the ease of working in remote locations. It starts at $52 per month. Sign up for skyline hosting here. Select BYOL (Bring your own license). As your QuickBooks reseller, if you need any upgrades or products, please order software from us here.


It’s a great app for tracking time by employees. You can tag to a job and easily bill back to the client. Employees love the ease of use by being able to clock in on their cell phones or computer. If you require your employees to clock in while working, it really cuts down on lost billable time or even helps you analyze what they are doing as well as how long it is taking them. Click here for free trial & request a demo.


We use Zoom to collaborate with our team and meet with our clients. With most people working remotely it’s become an effective way to video conference others. Texting and email is not an effective way to communicate as seeing someone in person seeing facial expressions. It also can help you win a sale as they will feel like they know you instead of just a phone call or email.

Assisted Payroll or IFSP

Even though we love payroll setup and filing payroll tax returns, we simply don’t have the time to do the work. QuickBooks offers a cost-effective way to have integrated payroll in your software while being tax compliant. CBG their own Intuit/rockstar payroll rep that can help you navigate the options and provide BEST pricing! Want a Quote?

Google Docs/Sheets

This product is free and makes collaborating with others easily. Our team is remote, and we have to collaborate. We work on blogs together and can even write together at the same time!

Google Hangouts

At CBG we use Google Hangouts with our team. We find it is a very effective tool to communicate with each other and our main vendor. However, like every tool, there are tips and tricks to make it work. Here is an article explaining how to use google hangouts effectively.

There are so many more apps that solve similar problems. Just like with any solution, you have to find the ones that work for you and the one you will actually use.