When you are working on a bank or credit card reconciliation there are a few things you need to review.
1) the outstanding checks/deposits. Are these really outstanding or are they duplicates? One way to find out is to click find and search that amount. If it comes up twice, you may have a duplicate that needs to be deleted.
2) If you find that you need to delete an entry, just keep in mind that you want to retain the original pay checks, sales tax checks, pay tax payment.
3) When you have deleted the duplicates and they have cleared in a previous period, you may have to redo the reconciliation.
4) redo reconciliation- enter the date of the last bank Rec that was done and enter the ending balance. Clear the checks that need to be cleared, click ok and you should be ready to for next month.
If you should need any assistance in this or any other issues, please give Complete Business Solutions a call. 1-800-541-8744.